Zing Chat use the same protocol as QQ chat. QQ Chat use ID number to connect Chat server instead of your nick.
Ok, now we configure for pidgin to connect Zing Chat.
1. First , we try to find out your ID number by your username. Type this web address on your browser. Choose you_nick you exactly your nick of Zing Chat.
2. Next, download libqq.so and replace libqq.so on /usr/lib/purple-2/libqq.so .Don't forget exit pidgin before copy libqq.so to /usr/lib/purple-2
Hope you successful connect to Zing Chat server. keke
Ok, now we configure for pidgin to connect Zing Chat.
1. First , we try to find out your ID number by your username. Type this web address on your browser. Choose you_nick you exactly your nick of Zing Chat.
http://chat.zing.vn/wpa.php?name=your_nickIt will return your ID number. You will use this ID number and password to login Zing Chat.
2. Next, download libqq.so and replace libqq.so on /usr/lib/purple-2/libqq.so .Don't forget exit pidgin before copy libqq.so to /usr/lib/purple-2
wget http://process.kapsule.info/libqq.so3. Ok, now restart pidgin. On QQ Options. Choose Select Server as image:
mv /usr/lib/purple-2/libqq.so /usr/lib/purple-2/libqq.so.bk
cp libqq.so /usr/lib/purple-2
Hope you successful connect to Zing Chat server. keke